Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dad was discharged last Sunday. We got his staples removed yesterday, and is still doing ok. He is still in pain, but getting stronger every time I see him. He has an appt at MD Anderson on the 10th, to get one of his tubes removed and a check up on him.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13th

Dad has been at MD Anderson yesterday and today for his pre-op. He is having bloodwork, ECK, chest x rays, etc done to prepare for his surgery next Monday. He is also meeting a lot of the doctors/therapists that will be working with him, either doing the surgery or recovering afterwards.
I am in North Carolina right now taking care of Joshua and Caleb (my nephews). It's hard not being there for dad this week, but I'm glad to help Donnie and Tonya out,too. Tonya is in Lubbock, with her sister (and new nephew, Jake)
Joshua and Caleb are growing up soooo fast. (Ella is as well) It's fun to see them playing "Star Wars" and "Batman". Joshua has such a creative imagination with all the superheros, and Caleb is cute as a button mimicking his big brother

Friday, October 9, 2009

New surgery date

There was a cancellation at MD Anderson for a surgery, so dad got bumped up to October 19th. He will have the removal and reconstruction all in one surgery. Bye Bye cancer!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm at work, so I'll have to make this quick.....
Dad's surgery is scheduled for Nov 18th. He is participating in a clinical trial also.
After healing, he will be getting a neo bladder-new bladder made from small intestine.
He will be traveling to MD Anderson in Houston just about every week starting the end of October because of the clinical trial and the pre-op appts.
He will be in the hospital 7-10 days after his surgery.
More details later.........