Friday, November 13, 2009

Ella Grace and Caleb James Nuzum

Check out October 29th. My sister in law posted this about my sweet little niece. She is most certainly a princess!

She also posted a GREAT video for my nephew, Caleb. Get the kleenex ready on this one. This post is dated August 22

Be careful.....these little angels (Joshua, Caleb, and Ella) will steal your heart. It is a true blessing to be their aunt. I love them with ALL my heart and miss them all the time (they live too far away)

Awesome job Tonya. You are super mom!!! Love ya
Dad went to MD Anderson on the 10th and had a tube removed. He only has the foley now, and I think that's the one he wants to get rid of the most.
The pathology report came back and said that he did not hae cancer in his lymph nodes, but there was cancer in his prostate (which they removed) we are still cancer free! Yeah!
He did have a run of bad luck while he was in Houston, though. He left his bag in the hotel lobby by accident, and it had his ipod and pain pills in it.
He asked the front desk if anyone had turned his bag in, and they did, but the pain pills were missing. How pathetic are you to steal a cancer patients pain meds? Geez!
Linda (dad's wife) was the savior that day though. She called the urologist that was on call, and he phoned in a prescription for 60 more pills for dad. Thanks Linda, your our hero!
Dad has another appt next Tuesday to get his foley removed. Keep ya posted.......

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dad went to the ER at Baylor Grapevine on Tuesday evening. He was running a fever due to an infection from the surgery. They admitted him.
He has been on IV antibiotics and should be discharged Friday.
He has an appt on Nov 10th at MD Anderson for check up and get rid of one of his drain tubes.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dad was discharged last Sunday. We got his staples removed yesterday, and is still doing ok. He is still in pain, but getting stronger every time I see him. He has an appt at MD Anderson on the 10th, to get one of his tubes removed and a check up on him.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13th

Dad has been at MD Anderson yesterday and today for his pre-op. He is having bloodwork, ECK, chest x rays, etc done to prepare for his surgery next Monday. He is also meeting a lot of the doctors/therapists that will be working with him, either doing the surgery or recovering afterwards.
I am in North Carolina right now taking care of Joshua and Caleb (my nephews). It's hard not being there for dad this week, but I'm glad to help Donnie and Tonya out,too. Tonya is in Lubbock, with her sister (and new nephew, Jake)
Joshua and Caleb are growing up soooo fast. (Ella is as well) It's fun to see them playing "Star Wars" and "Batman". Joshua has such a creative imagination with all the superheros, and Caleb is cute as a button mimicking his big brother

Friday, October 9, 2009

New surgery date

There was a cancellation at MD Anderson for a surgery, so dad got bumped up to October 19th. He will have the removal and reconstruction all in one surgery. Bye Bye cancer!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm at work, so I'll have to make this quick.....
Dad's surgery is scheduled for Nov 18th. He is participating in a clinical trial also.
After healing, he will be getting a neo bladder-new bladder made from small intestine.
He will be traveling to MD Anderson in Houston just about every week starting the end of October because of the clinical trial and the pre-op appts.
He will be in the hospital 7-10 days after his surgery.
More details later.........

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Dad has not mentioned any of this to Grandma and Grandpa. He does not want them to worry, and feels it is better that they do not know.

Update on my dad

Thought this would be this easiest way to keep updates on dad.

Day One-MD Anderson
Met a couple of the doctors that will be working with dad. They went over possible treatments, current and past symptoms, and procedures and scans that have already been completed. One of the doctors is Dr Seifker. She seems to be the main oncologist taking care of dad. She is one of the top Urology oncologists.....I think we'll keep her!

He had a chest Xray, EKG, blood work, blood pressure reading, temperature, vitals, etc
We started the day at the hospital at 9am and go on the shuttle back to the hotel at 5pm.

I ended up driving home on Monday (yesterday) because I'm running low on vacation days and I would rather use those vacation days on more important dr visits and surgery days.

Day Two-MD Anderson
I just talked to dad and he had a shorter day at the hospital today. He had a cardiac test done. done. They inject him with two different dyes to highlight the red blood cells, and this test checks the strength of his heart at rest. He also met with the anesthesiologist that will be assisting in his procedure tomorrow.
This procedure is similar to the surgery that he had a few weeks go, but not as invasive.
The doctor thinks there is a good chance that he will not need chemotherapy prior to his
bladder removal surgery.
His surgery tomorrow is at 10:30am. They will be taking tissues samples to confirm the need for
chemotherapy or not.