Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Dad has not mentioned any of this to Grandma and Grandpa. He does not want them to worry, and feels it is better that they do not know.

Update on my dad

Thought this would be this easiest way to keep updates on dad.

Day One-MD Anderson
Met a couple of the doctors that will be working with dad. They went over possible treatments, current and past symptoms, and procedures and scans that have already been completed. One of the doctors is Dr Seifker. She seems to be the main oncologist taking care of dad. She is one of the top Urology oncologists.....I think we'll keep her!

He had a chest Xray, EKG, blood work, blood pressure reading, temperature, vitals, etc
We started the day at the hospital at 9am and go on the shuttle back to the hotel at 5pm.

I ended up driving home on Monday (yesterday) because I'm running low on vacation days and I would rather use those vacation days on more important dr visits and surgery days.

Day Two-MD Anderson
I just talked to dad and he had a shorter day at the hospital today. He had a cardiac test done. done. They inject him with two different dyes to highlight the red blood cells, and this test checks the strength of his heart at rest. He also met with the anesthesiologist that will be assisting in his procedure tomorrow.
This procedure is similar to the surgery that he had a few weeks go, but not as invasive.
The doctor thinks there is a good chance that he will not need chemotherapy prior to his
bladder removal surgery.
His surgery tomorrow is at 10:30am. They will be taking tissues samples to confirm the need for
chemotherapy or not.